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发布日期:2012-10-05     浏览量:

论文名称 刊物名称 发表时间 卷、期
Proteomic    Responses of Wheat Roots during Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation Stress. Agricultural    Science 2014 2(4):35-43 IC
Effects of UV-B Radiation on Light Signal Transduction in Wheat. American-Eurasian    J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 2014 14    (12): 1464-1469. IC
Analysis of Chicken T Cell-Mediated Responses on Thymus after    Immune Stress Journal    of Immune Based Therapies, Vaccines and Antimicrobials 2014 3:22-28 IC
A  high efficiency gene    disruption strategy using a positive–negative split selection marker and  electroporation  for     Fusarium  oxysporum Microbiological    Research 2014 169:    835–843 IC
Multivariate statistical assessment of heavy metals for    agricultural soils in northern China Scientific    World Journal 2014 5:17-20 IC
Development and morphology of stone cells in phloem of Toxicodendron vernicifluum. Trees    (Structure and Function) 2014 28(5):1553-1558. IA
Tylosoids in latiferous canals of Toxicodendron    vernicifluum. Pakistan    Journal of Botany 2014 46(3):1039-1045 IC
Review of the parasitic genus Epipenaeon Nobili, 1906    (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae), with new records and redescription of four    species from China Journal    of Natural History, 2014 48(33-34):    2027-2048 IB
A review of the genus Rhopalione Pérez, 1920 (Crustacea:    Isopoda: Bopyridae), with first record of the male and parasitic mode of R.    sinensis Markham, 1990 from China. Chinese    Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2014 32(3):511-514 IC
Barcoded pyrosequencing analysis of the bacterial community of    Daqu for light-flavour Chinese liquor Letter    in Applied Microbiology 2014 58:549-555 IB
Effects of He-Ne laser and Enhanced Ultravlolet-B radiation on    Lamin B of wheat Indian    Journal of Forensic Medicine&Toxicology 2014 28(1):131-135 IC
The comparative effects of exogenous Nitric oxide and He-Ne    Laser on wheat exposed to enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation VEGETOS 2014 27(1):90-96 IC
He-Ne laser treatment improves the photosynthetic efficiency of    wheat exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation Laser    Physics 2014 24:105602 IA
The Effects of He-Ne Laser and Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation    on ASF1 in Wheat Seedlings VEGETOS 2014 27(2):40-47 IC
Cadmium Telluride Quantum Dots (QDs) and Enhanced UV-B Radiation    Trigger Antioxidant Enzyme Metabolism and Programmed Cell Death in Wheat    Seedlings PLoS    ONE 2014 9(10):    e110400. IA
The Distribution and Morphology Alterations of Microfilaments    and Microtubules in Mesophyll Cells and Root-Tip Cells of Wheat Seedlings    under Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation American    Journal of Plant Sciences 2014 5:3423-3431 IC
He-Ne激光和增强UV-B辐射对水稻幼苗光合作用的影响 中国激光 2014 41(8):1-6 IC
Regulation control of carotenoid accumulation in winter squash    during storge Planta 2014 240(5)1063-1074 IB
Chemical Constituents, Antibacterial Activity and Mechanism of    Action of the Essential Oil from Cinnamomum cassia Bark against Four Food-Related Bacteria. Microbiology 2014 83(4):    357-365 IB
Chemical Composition, Antibacterial Activity of the Essential    Oil from Roots of Radix aucklandiae against Selected Food-Borne Pathogens. Advances    in Bioscience and Biotechnology 2014 5,    1043-1047 IC
Study on Salting out-Steam Distillation Extraction Technology    and Antibacterial Activities of Essential Oil from Cumin Seeds Aceh    International Journal of Science and Technology 2014 3(3):    174-179 IC
Profiles of Antibacterial Activities of Consecutive Extracts    from Naked Oat against Several Food-Related Bacteria. Asian    Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 2014 2(6):500-506 IC
Identification and Utility of SRAP Markers Linked to Bacterial    Wilt Resistance Gene in Potato备注 Vegetos 2014 6    (Special) :131-138 IC
Cloning and expression analysis of the protease inhibitor StPIa3    gene from potato Vegetos 2014 27    (1) :51-58 IC
植物晶体的形态结构、生物功能及形成机制研究进展 生态学报 2014 34(22):6429-6439 IC
番薯叶片性状关系模型的建立与验证 植物学报(原植物学通报) 2014 (02):190-197 IC
Self-assembly of manganese doped zinc sulfide    quantum dots/CTAB nanohybrids for detection of rutin Biosensors    and Bioelectronics 2014 52:271-276 特级
Phosphorescentquantum dots/doxorubicin nanohybrids based on    photoinduced electron transfer for detection of DNA Biosensors    and Bioelectronics 2014 59:300-306 特级
空心莲子草响应南方菟丝子寄生的生长——防御权衡 生态学报 2014 34(17):    4866-4873 IC
山西太岳山兴唐寺红柄白鹃梅群落优势种的空间格局分析 植物生态学报 2014 38    (12): 1283–1295 IC
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Elaeagnus    mollis Diels Seedlings’ Growth and Root International    Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research 2014 4:968-973 IC
山西谷子资源叶酸含量分析及评价 中国农业科学 2014 47(7):1265-1272 IC
Effects of dietary transgenic poplar leaf pellets on performance    and tissues in rabbits J    Sci Food Agric 2014 94:1163-1167 IB
Generation    and genetic analysis of transgenic maize (Zea mays L.) resistant to herbicide glyphosate The    International Journal of Biotechnology 2014 12: 151-159 IC
Effects    of Cu2+ on Wheat Seedlings Exposed to Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation American    Journal of Plant Sciences 2014 5: 3060-3065 IC
Molecular    Phylogeography and Population Genetic Structure of O. Longilobus and O. Taihangensis (Opisthopappus) on the Taihang Mountains Plos one 2014 9(8):1-12. IA
Genetic variation of hazel (Corylus    heterophylla) populations at different altitudes    in Xingtangsi forest park in Huoshan, Shanxi, China Plant    Omics Journal 2014 7(4):213-220 IC
Genetic diversity of Quercus liaotungensis Koidz populations at different altitudes Science    Research and Essays 2014 9(8):249-256 IB
山西接骨木群落分布及其与环境因子的关系 林业科学 2013 49(12):2452-2462 IC
Three-dimensional structure of an alkaline xylanase Xyn11A-LC    from alkalophilic Bacillus    sp. SN5 and improvement of its thermal performance by introducing arginines    substitutions Biotechnology    Letters 2014 36(7):1495–1501 IB
嗜热和嗜碱木聚糖酶研究进展 生物工程学报 2014 30(6):    828−837 IC
通过N 端引入芳香族氨基酸提高木聚糖酶的热稳定性 生物工程学报 2014 30(8):    1217−1224 IC
Barcoded    pyrosequencing analysis of the bacterial community of Daqu for light-flavour    Chinese liquor Letter in    Applied Microbiology 2014 58,549-555 IB
A new genus and species of Orbioninae (Isopoda: Bopyridae) from    China, with a new locality and host record for Orbione    halipori Nierstrasz & Brender à Brandis, 1923 Systematics    Parasitology 2013 84(2):    149-156. IB
A review of the genus Parapenaeonella (Isopoda: Bopyridae: Orbioninae), with description of a new    species from Chinese waters and synonymy of Parapenaeonella    lamellata Bourdon, 1979. Journal    of Natural History. 2013 47(41-42):    2633-2648. IB
A new species and record of Minicopenaeon Bourdon, 1981 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae) from China. Systematic    Parasitology. 2013 85(3):    255-262. IB
Three isopod parasites (Bopyridae: Pseudioninae), including two    new species, of hermit crabs from the South China Sea. Raffles    Bulletin of Zoology. 2013 61(2):1-9. IB
A new cave species of the genus Gammarus species (Crustacea, Amiphipoda, Gammaridae) from Sichuan,    China. 动物分类学报 2013 38(1):    40-49. IC
鳃虱科(甲壳动物亚门:等足目)属间系统发育关系支序分析 动物分类学报 2013 38(2):    207-214. IC
含DsRed类似生色团的红色荧光蛋白的发展及应用 中国生物化学与分子生物学报 2013 29(3):197-206. IC
Changes of Morphological Parameter of Wheat Seed Pretreatment by    the Biocontrol Agents Bacillus subtilis QM3 during Germination Communications    in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 2013,03 44(14):2168-2172 IB
Protecting effect of He-Ne laser on winter wheat from UV-B    radiation damage by analyzing proteomic changes in leaves Advances    in Bioscience and Biotechnology 2013.4 4.823-829 IC
Proteomics Uncovers a Role for Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation    on Wheat Leaves American    Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013.4 4.1227-1232 IC
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) mediates darkness-induced stomatal    closure through raising cytosol pH and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels in    guard cells in Vicia faba. Science    in China Series C: Life Sciences 2012 55(11):974-983 IB
Cytosolic alkalization-mediated H2O2 and NO production are involved in darkness-induced stomatal    closure in Vicia faba Canadian    Journal of Plant Science 2013 93(1):    119-130 IB
Morphological characterization of the vestibular folds as    larynx-associated lymphoid tissue in the adult Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) Journal    of Camel Practice and Research 2013 20(1):79-86 IC
Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on wheatexposed to enhanced    Ultraviolet-B radiation. American    Journal of Plant Sciences   2013 4:1285-1290 IC
Effects of transgenic poplar leaves with binary    insect-resistance genes used as feed for rabbits World    Rabbit Science 2013 21:    257-261 IC
基于GFP观察的花粉介导植物转基因方法的细胞学研究 植物学报 2013 48 (6): 616-622 IC
山西襄汾农田土壤磁化率和养分空间变异性 中国沙漠 2013 33(3),813-818 IC
慢病毒载体介导shRNA 干扰IL-6Rα 基因表达削弱IL-6 对猪脂肪细胞分化的影响 中国生物化学与分子生物学报 2013 29(2):151-160 IC
A Minimal Nitrogen Fixation Gene Cluster from Paenibacillus sp.    WLY78 Enables Expression of Active Nitrogenase in Escherichia coli Plos    genetics 2013 9(10):1-11 特级
新疆四种螽斯雄性鸣声结构的比较研究 动物分类学报 2013 38(2):239-245 IC
Ultrasonic    Enhanced Walnut Protein Emulsifuing Property Food processing and    technology 2013 4(7):1-3 IC
UV-B辐射对拟南芥种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响 植物学报 2013 8(1):52-57 IC
基质养分对寄生植物南方菟丝子生长的影响 生态学报 2013 33(8):    2623-2631 IC
五鹿山国家级自然保护区物种多样性海拔格局 生态学报 2013 33(8) : 2452- 2462 IC
Comparative    studies of bark structure, lacquer yield and urushiol content of cultivated Toxicodendron vernicifluum    varieties New Zealand    Journal of Botany 2013 51:1, 13-21 IC
Genetic    diversity and demographic history of Dolichus halensis (Schaller) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) populations in the Qinling    Mountains, China 昆虫学报 2013 56(7):807-815 IC
Learn ability driven by majority selection enhances spatial    reciprocity in prisoner’s dilemma game Chaos,Solitons&Fractals 2013 56:96-100 IB
Optimal convergence in fame game with familiarity Chaos,Solitons&Fractals 2013 56:222-226 IB
Chloroplast microsatellite diversity of Opisthopappus    Shih(Asteraceae) endemic to China Plant    Systematic and Evolution 2013 299:1849-188 IB
Genetic diversity and population structure of Opisthopappus    longilobus and Opisthopappus taihangensis (Asteraceae) in China determined    using sequence related amplified polymorphism markers Biochemical    Systematics and Ecology 2013 49:115-124 IB
Asymmetric evaluation of fitness enhances spatial reciprocity in    social dilemmas Chaos,Solitons&Fractals 2013 54:76-81 IB
脱皮榆山西天然居群叶性状表型多样性研究 园艺学报 2013 40(10):1951-1960 IC
一株甲醇利用菌的分离及其在甲醇测定中的应用 微生物学报 2013 53(8): 852-859. IC
study    on present status of plant germplasm resources conservation and    countermeasures Agricultural    Science and Technology 2013 14(5):913-923 IC
菠菜种质遗传多样性和亲缘关系的AFLP分析 园艺学报 2013 40(5):732-737 IC
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